Who is Birthing... Naturally? We are three women who bonded together through our passion for birth, our love for our clients, and friendship that drives us to provide the best childbirth education and doula services possible. Stacy and Shelly have served the DFW metroplex since 2004, with Ryley joining the team in 2022. In 2024, Stacy, Shelly and Ryley became the first doulas in DFW to become Body Ready Method certified! While we know every mother has a differing opinion on how they want to birth, our primary focus is empowering families to have a natural birth experience in the hospital, at home, or in a birthing center. Whether you're looking for childbirth education or doula services, we are there to help you as you prepare to welcome your little one.

photos taken by Lawren Rose Photography
Instructors & Doulas

Stacy Hutchins

I became enamored with all things birth when my husband and I were pregnant with our first child. As we began diving into educating and empowering ourselves, a passion was born. Shortly after that birth I began the journey to become a childbirth educator and doula. Since the birth of our oldest we've added 3 more children to our family and have experienced a variety of birthing options: natural birth in the hospital, birth center, and home birth. My goal is to empower and educate other families so they can have the best birth experience possible as they grow their family.

Shelly Brittain

My interest in natural birth began when a friend shared the stories of her natural birth experiences
with me. That friend was also a childbirth educator. Her knowledge peaked my interest as it was vastly different than my experiences. During my third pregnancy we attend classes, committing to a natural birth. I had my first natural birth in the hospital with a midwife. That experience empowered me to pursue my passion of becoming an instructor and doula. In 2007 I became a childbirth educator. With our fourth child we chose to have a birth center birth. I am honored to be part of the Birthing... Naturally team. It is a blessing to be able to educate and walk this path with so many amazing mommas!

Ryley Chestnut

After I had my first child, a hospital induction with no epidural due to a fused spine, my interest in birth work began! I went on to have a home birth with our second child, an amazing experience! In 2016 we had a belly birth with our daughter, Jaycee who was born with a terminal birth defect. Shortly after her birth I became a certified birth and bereavement doula, and my passion for birth grew even more. I have had 3 VBACs since her birth, and been a doula to numerous families over the years. In 2023 I became a CBI Certified Childbirth Educator and in 2024 got certified as a Body Ready Method Pro. With my first child I was completely unprepared for a natural birth, and my goal is to equip and empower families to achieve the birth of their dreams. I am so excited to be a part of the Birthing...Naturally team!